According to my make-believe statistics, 67% of law students across the world studied law for the money. They all want to live at the right address, swanky neighbourhood and have endless amounts of money. My latest observations confirms my results.
In one of my law tutorials, my tutor asked a simple question, "So why did you choose to study law?"
He went around the classroom and the responses were astounding.
"I chose law because I got the marks to do it".
"To be honest with you, I'm not going to work in law in the future. It just gives me a perspective on life".
"I chose law because I get to wear sexy suits everyday".
"I only chose law because it looks good on my resume".
By the end of the Q&A session, my tutor looked like he wanted to get a hammer, nail himself to the oak table, and throw himself into the sunset.
I was thinking to myself why on earth why they chose a degree they absolutely hated. Then, I realised how much of a goofball I was. I could list the reasons easily here:
1. The impression that you'll earn the big dollars as soon as you graduate from the College of Law. This is A LIE. Unless you start your own law firm, you don't earn a lot of money in law.
2. You work hard at school to get good marks to get into law school. Only to discover law is boring, but you don't want to disappoint your parents by giving up on it so easily.
3. Your parents force you to do law.
4. It looks impressive on your resume. It's not great to do law just for display. Also, if you're not going to use your law degree, it's as valuable as toilet paper.
I know what I've wrote sounds blunt - but it is the truth. How many people study law purely to make their parents happy? Or hell with it, studying other degrees or diplomas for the money, and not the passion?
Or maybe it's silly of me to talk about doing something your passionate about, because you've got a mortgage, a luxury car, designer clothes and alcohol bills to worry about.
What do you think?
Happy reading!