Hands up if any of you have a collection of Little Golden Books on your bookshelf? I had a huge collection of them and my parents would read them to me before I drifted off to sleep. I hung onto these books like some of my other childhood stuffs - like my cabbage patch dolls and Ninja Turtle headbands. One day, my parents were tired of seeing these items choking up with dust and demanded "Clean up all your junk! Plus, we want you out of here when you finish your uni degree".
So I decided to rescue them and tidied up my bedroom. I spent the day re-reading and flicking through the books which I once loved. There were some stories I knew off by heart, like 'The Whispering Rabbit, 'The Poky Little Puppy' and the whole Sesame Street collection. That day, I counted how many Little Golden Books I have, they were 150.
I have to thank the Little Golden Books for a few things. I learnt how to count 1-10 through my 'My First Counting Book'. While sadly I still don't know how to add up the cost of a coffee and banana bread, I am grateful I know the numerical language. While the book titled, 'Old McDonald's Farm' helped me memorise the lyrics to that nursery, as well as seeing what a horse, pig, cow and sheep look like as well. This helped me with my later studies in agriculture.
I've never paid more than a couple of dollars for each one. Though I would like to have the twelve original Little Golden Books that were published in 1942. Right now, I just have 'The Poky Little Puppy' sitting on my shelf.
I still keep my Little Golden Books in my bookshelf. My little cousins, nieces and nephews have a ball when they come to the bookshelf - it's always a mess when they visit.
What Little Golden Books do you have sitting on your bookshelf? Or garage? Or anywhere around the house?
Happy reading,