I have a weakness for cupcakes - or anything sweet for that matter. This has to be the cutest little cupcake lip gloss pots I've ever seen. My personal favourite is strawberries and cream lip gloss pot. I also love the name tag 'Naughty but Nice' - feels like it describes this product perfectly *winks*.
If you're a shoe person, then this notepad is for you! I think it adds magic to any stationery set.
I like a statement necklace and I whenever I wear this necklace around town - I always get comments such as, "Was that necklace customised for you?" "That's such a cute necklace!" and "Can you play with it?"
It may raise a few eyebrows, but this Pan Pipe Flute Necklace by Disney Couture is one I truly adore. They use to be available on My Catwalk for $149, but they're sold out at the moment. If you really like this, your best bet would be eBay.
Anyway, I hope you have lovely things install for Mother's Day tomorrow.
Take care,
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