1. Where is your cell phone: It's in a grey felt case, buried in my black leather tote bag.
2. Your hair: Long, black and dead straight.
3. Your mother: Likes to make clothes.
4. Your father: Reading up APC Magazines for his next technological gadget purchase.
5. Your favourite food: I don't have a favourite par se, but sushi, Vietnamese rice paper rolls and arancinis are great = ).
6. Your dream from last night: I dreamt that Simon Baker asked me to visit the set of The Mentalist.
7. Your favourite drink: Non - alcoholic: Raspberry Ripe from Boost. Alcoholic: Baileys with milk and ice.
8. Your dream/goal: Definitely merging my passions for media/entertainment and law. I would love to be a music lawyer!
9. What room are you in: My study room. Filled with books, notes, pens, papers, clips and cupcake containers.
10. What are your hobbies: Blogging, gardening and the odd indoor rock climbing.
11. What is your fear: I fear fear itself.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Definitely working overseas - as a sassy music lawyer.
13. Where were you last night: At home, eating a mini Magnum and watching GNW.
14. Something you are not: Tall.
15. Muffins: Love a blueberry muffin. I'm partial to a cupcake though.
16. Wish list items: Going to Liverpool, England to check out the Beatles museum; working overseas in the USA as a music lawyer and meeting Simon Baker. I'm being reasonable right?
17. Where did you grow up: Sydney, Australia.
18. Last thing you did: Went to a vintage store and bought some gold jewellery.
19. What are you wearing: Beige tank top and green shorts.
20. Your TV: Not on at the moment.
21. Your pets: Don't own a pet.
23. Your life: It's been interesting.
24. Your mood: Tired, but cheery.
25. Missing someone: Yes. *winks*
26. Vehicle: Don't have one at the moment. I need a new car!
27. Something you're not wearing: Ballet flats
28. Your favourite store: I like a few stores, not just A store. Rodeo Show and Luxe Boutique.
29. Your favourite colour: Royal blue.
30. When's the last time you laughed: Right now actually, watching Friends on DVD at the moment.
31. When's the last time you cried: When a friend of mine left to go overseas over two months ago.
32. Your best friend: My girls = )
Now, I pass my awards to Corrine from Frock and Roll and Sarah Hannah from Death Wears Diamond Jewellery.
Happy reading,
thanks for the award bubble, ill do it tommorrow!
i can totally see you as some kick ass music lawyer in LA or somehting. as long as your prepared to deal with musicans!!
Awww! Thank-you so much for the lovely award; it means a LOT! I love your blog!
It's fab to learn a little more about you darlin' X
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