My friend Jane* believes I'm addicted to sugar. I beg to differ. Even though I hide lollies around my room, doesn't make me guilty of being a sugarholic.
Sure, I like sweet food. Everyone does.
7:30 am: I'm busy reading the newspaper. Oooh, sugar! I want it in my cereal.
10:14 am: I'm typing an article for a website. Oooh, biscuits! I grab three of those.
10:15 am: I'm feeling tired. Oooh, chai lattes! I run downstairs to the cafe to purchase this.
12:00 pm: Lunch time. I walk to the kitchen and as I grab my lunch something grabs my attention. Oooh, choc-chip cookies! I grab one.
4:00 pm: Again, I walk down the kitchen. The jar's empty. I say out loud to anyone who could hear me, "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?" I'm getting stroppy with my co-workers afterwards.
5:00 pm: TGIF drinks! Oooh, I want some lemon and lime bitters with vodka please. I'm happy again.
9.:30 pm: Having dinner with the other half. Oooh, tiramisu. Should I have it? I've eaten way too many sweets all day. Bugger it, have it.
Three hours later, I feel sorry that I divulged in so many sugary foods. I only have two packets of Oreos, a box of Cadbury favourites and Pop Tarts hidden in my room. It's decreased heaps.
Oh bugger it! I open up a packet of Tim Tams and bite both ends, stick it into a mug of hot chocolate and use it like a straw.
In hindsight, I look at this timeline and wonder if I am a sugarholic. Does anyone feel guilty at the amount of sweets they eat at times? Oh please, don't tell me I should attend Sugarholic Anonymous meetings!
Happy reading,
P.S - Parts of this entry may be slightly fabricated for entertainment value.
* Names have been changed for privacy reasons.
I eat sugar ALL THE TIME.
This all seemed pretty familiar to me, except that instead of grabbing the one chocolate chip cookie, I would've been all, "hmm. I guess I'll eat the entire package."
My weakness is gumballs. I will eat them like candy...which they are!
Tell me more about 'lemon and lime bitters with vodka'! Sounds way too good.
Hey Kate,
Lemon, lime and bitters with vodka is a favourite drink of mine, really popular in Australia.
The drink consists of vodka, aromatic bitters, lemon cordial (or lemon juice), lemon squash and ice cubes. Place all these ingredients in a jug and stir it gently.
Hope that helps =)
Your schedule is like mine. Only the sugar-related incidents would be subsituted with googling pictures of ugly babies. I think we both know which one of us has a problem hmmph..*looks at you with pointed eyes and raised eyebrows*
Thats not so bad, i can't allow junk food in my flat as I've no sense of self control and will eat it all at once. Basically I'm a taller less blue version of Cookie Monster.
See, this is why I try not to think too hard about what I eat haha
You hide sugar in your room? Oh dear... LOL.
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